Reusable Packaging Protects Public Health and the Environment
Policies supporting reusable and toxic-free food packaging and tableware
Legislation can support the scale-up of reusable and toxic-free food packaging by promoting business models that are either packaging-free or rely on reusable packaging. To ensure that food service facilities are no longer allowed to offer single-use tableware for on-site or take-out dining.
Policy Recommendations. Legislators must enact robust regulatory measures to ensure the transition towards toxic-free and reusable packaging, notably:
Set information and reporting obligations along the value chain to ensure transparency and traceability of chemicals in all food contact materials (single-use and reusable).
Phase out hazardous chemicals from all food contact materials.
Set legally binding consumption reduction requirements for single-use cups, beverage bottles, food containers, and accessories such as straws and utensils.
Require reusable foodware for onsite eating in all food and beverage outlets.
Require consumers pay visible fees for single-use cups and containers in take-out and delivery of food and beverages, ensuring that reusable alternatives are provided at lower cost, and allowing customers to use a reusable container to avoid the fee.
Set legally binding requirements on the share of refillable beverage packaging placed on the market and put in place deposit return scheme (DRS) to ensure their return.
Provide financial support for reusable items and systems to overcome barriers to entry, such as capital investments in the logistical infrastructure for collection and washing.
Case studies: Reusable solutions across the globe
New businesses are launching across the globe that provide food and beverages in returnable, reusable formats. Reusable systems are becoming available to provide consumers with take-out food and beverages, to groceries, house cleaning products, and personal care items. The map below showcases leading examples of reusable solutions in different regions.